Lecture / Reading

Kersti Kaljulaid, President of the Republic of Estonia - SOLD OUT

Sponsored by Stanford University Libraries


Monday, October 1, 2018
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
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Bender room, Green Library
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Event Details:

Join us for an engaging conversation with Kersti Kaljulaid, President of the Republic of Estonia, who will discuss:

e-North: The New Nordic-Baltic Way for Digital Societies

The Nordic model refers to a set of policies for promoting welfare, economic security, and equal opportunities within the framework of a competitive economy. This is also a model that Estonia aspires to, but in a digital way.

President Kaljulaid will discuss how global digital developments will change the classic Nordic model-basedĀ public services and affect the way we have thus far understood people's wellbeing in general. While the government needs to be ready for meeting increasingly high expectations from the next generations as well as for tackling the challenges brought on by the digital era, digital enablers should be addressed in a legally creative and forward-looking way to make the Nordic model resilient to the digital disruption. The Nordic-Baltic region is in a unique position to introduce the best practices for such a digital socio-economic balance by learning from each other and combining best practices into digital cross-border cooperation.

In 2016 Kersti Kaljulaid was elected President of the Republic of Estonia. She previously served as a Member of the European Court of Auditors, on the Europol Audit Committee, and on the Administrative Affairs Committee of the Court of Auditors. She has also been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Estonian Genome Center, the Advisory Board of the University of Tartu, and the Council Chair of the University. President Kaljulaid has received multiple international awards for her service, including the Order of the White Rose of Finland, the Order of the Netherlands Lion, and the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

Admission Info

This event is at capacity. No more registrations will be accepted. The event will be live-streamed on Facebook. Please visitĀ Baltic Studies at Stanford.